How to take a screenshot using Windows XP (Laptop&PC) - YouTube Hey guys! Today im going to show you how to take a screenshot using Windows XP (Laptop and PC). Hope you enjoy! THANKS! Please comment rate and subscribe!!!!!!!!!! :)
How To Take A Screenshot With Snipping Tool In Windows XP, Vista, 7 | 2014 - YouTube How To Take A Screenshot With Snipping Tool In Windows XP, Vista, 7 | 2014 To take a screenshot in Windows using the Print Screen method: Full video transcript: How To Take A Screenshot With Snipping Tool In Windows XP, Vista,
Screenshot Tools in Windows XP | Screenshot There are multiple tools in Windows XP which together can help you to capture Screenshot on your Windows XP Computer. These Screenshot Tools in Windows XP allow you to Edit a Screenshot, Magnify the Screenshot, Capture Screenshot of a Remote Windows ...
How to Make a Screen Shot in Windows XP | eHow A screen shot allows you to take a picture of your Windows XP screen -- either the entire screen, inclusive of all windows, or just a single window. The ability to take screen ...
Interactive Screenshots of Windows XP programs and wizards View and interact with thousands of screenshots from Windows XP programs and wizards. ... About the EasyLI Done! Series Screenshots All EasyLI Done! Series Screenshots are provided as a reference only!
How do you take a screenshot using Windows XP? Askville Question: How do you take a screenshot using Windows XP? : Software ... If you want to take a screenshot of the entire screen you are looking at then just press 'PrtScn' which is a key that can be generally found just above the group of keys for
Windows XP, Vista, or 7 如何截取整個螢幕截圖- lovemaruco的創作 ... 2013年4月25日 ... 補充教學:Mac OSX系統如何截取螢幕截圖因為想要寫一篇Mac電腦如何螢幕截圖的 文章, 所以順手翻譯了一篇教學文, 來與各位分享在Windows ...
使用「螢幕擷取」把圖抓下來 - 網路報馬仔教學 你曾經有過「想把螢幕上的畫面拍起來和其他人分享」的想法嗎? ... 其實Windows早 就內建「抓圖」的功能了,而且方法還十分簡單,現在請看看你的鍵盤的右上 ... 這裡要 提醒的是,存檔成JPG與GIF類型的這個功能,只有Windows XP內建的小畫家才有 ...
如何『螢幕擷取』把圖抓下來@ 金魚不是魚:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌 因為還蠻多人問怎麼螢幕擷取,照道理從Google搜尋『螢幕擷取』就能搜到一堆軟體 ... 這裡要提醒的是,存檔成JPG與GIF類型的這個功能,只有Windows XP內建的小 ...
Screen Capture:簡單、輕巧的綠色螢幕擷取軟體- PChome 下載 2009年11月25日 ... 讓您可以輕鬆抓取視窗、選單、全螢幕以及矩形區域,擁有專屬圖像瀏覽視窗,方便您 檢視圖形,更有 ... 作業系統:Windows XP/2000/Me/98/95/NT